Laboratory of Medical Technologies Clean Room

Wioletta Rozpędek-Kamińska PhD


A holder of a PhD degree in medical sciences. She obtained her MA degree at the Department of Biology and Environment Protection, University of Lodz, the faculty of Biology and specialisation in Experimental Biology. She prepared her PhD dissertation at the Department of Chemistry and Clinical Biology Medical University of Lodz where she is currently employed in a capacity of an assistant professor and holds the position of the Head of the Laboratory of Preclinical Trials. In MOLecoLAB she is the Coordinator of the Laboratory of Medical Technologies Clean Room. Wioletta Rozpędek-Kamińska conducts in vitro and in vivo research in biochemistry, neurobiology and molecular biology. Currently, she develops modern drug therapy techniques in neurodegenerative and cancer diseases treatment, and she also prepares, conducts and implements certification programs.

The Laboratory of Medical Technologies Clean Room  is engaged in testing prototype medical technologies and research on the processes required to maintain a specific level of atmospheric cleanliness in laboratory conditions

Activity area:

Clean Room which is part of Lodz Centre of Molecular Studies on Civilisation Diseases Medical University of Lodz is a unique top-grade research laboratory with controlled environment parameters. Clean Room of Lodz Centre of Molecular Studies on Civilisation Diseases Medical University of Lodz is equipped with top-tier laboratory equipment thereby offering an exceptional and innovative research and development facilities for companies and research institutes where research is conducted in lab rooms with class A cleanliness in accordance with the European standards in controlled environmental conditions.


  • cell culture incubators,
  • 3D bioprinter,
  • BSL3 laminar chamber,
  • low-temperature centrifuge,
  • stem cell bioreactor

Services on offer:

  • cell culture including stem cell culturing and analysis: cytotoxicity assessment using in vitro tests: XTT, LDH, based on resazurin and IC50 determination, genotoxicity assessment using the comet test, the analysis of apoptotic and necrotic changes and cell cycle arrest.
  • the use of 2D and 3D cell cultures for personalized medicine purposes, including stem cells and primary cell lines obtained from patients as well as from organs and tissues produced by 3D printing technology.
  • tissue printing in 3D printer for further use in transplantology and regenerative medicine,
  • testing the biological properties of biomedical materials, investigation of local post-implantation effects and performance of functional tests on tissue reactions using “organ-on-chip” technology as an alternative to in vivo tests on animals