Living LAB

Anna Lipert PhD DSc, professor of MUL


Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences, professor of MUL in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine MUL. Specialist in research project management and commercialisation, biostatistics. In MOLecoLAB she holds the position of the Coordinator of Living LAB. She completed a range of courses and internships on innovation management, clinical trials and European Network of Living Labs training programme. She is passionately engaged in the implementation of projects on new technologies testing, validation and opinion-forming support when launching new products.

Living LAB innovation laboratory is one of the first Living LABs available for medical research. It provides an opportunity to test innovative solutions with the involvement of the solution users in the natural setting. It is intended to serve the university, business and city communities as a supporting structure for health promotion and health prevention.

By engaging interdisciplinary teams, the Living LAB ensures that the created products take into account the volume of prospects and combine business requirements with the user expectations in the best possible way. In Living LABs, the existing products and services are also improved or new knowledge is gained to indicate that the existing product or service should be eliminated and we should strive to offer something completely new to offer much more substantial benefits for the business.

Activity area:

  • Conducting commercial and non-commercial validation studies of medical and paramedical solutions (new technologies, procedures and medical services) in the actual use conditions,
  • Providing the infrastructure or its appropriate arrangement to meet the study needs for the external entity,
  • The search and organisation of target groups (e.g. patients) to satisfy the research needs for external entities,
  • Expert assessment of technology
  • Designing research in living lab methodology together with the descriptions for national and international grant projects (commercially in cooperation with external companies).

Offer dedicated to:

  • Companies and private institutions
  • Scientific Institutes
  • City Halls

Our offer is addressed to:

  • University community
  • Business
  • Cities


  • Currently commercially available Living Labs are very scarce. Living Labs mostly work internally in such companies as Google X, LL Apple, Nordea and other Banks i.e. corporations strongly focused on new pro-customer services.