CEBioForum 2024

Another i.e. 22nd edition of #CEBioForum2024, an international event for the biotechnology industry, was held in Warsaw on 26-27 March 2024. The Conference connected the representatives of government administration, scientific institutions and broadly understood BioBusiness. The list of exhibitors at “Life Science In Lodz”  included The City of Lodz Office, the Lodz University of Technology and the University of Lodz as well as MOLecoLAB Centre of  Molecular Studies on Civilisation Diseases Medical University of Lodz. Invaluable biotechnological knowledge of innovation, research and development could be gained in a conversation with the Head of  MOLecoLAB, Prof. Ireneusz Majsterek. New ideas and business opportunities could be discussed at plenary sessions as well as at individual B2B discussions and meetings i.a. with Tomasz Pytel, MOLecoLAB LAB Manager.